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(New page: == Introduction == In this first tutorial, we will learn how to use POD with a simple example project for an APF9328 board. The project is described in figure 1. It is composed of 3 v...)
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In this first tutorial, we will learn how to use POD with a simple example project for an APF9328 board. The project is described in figure 1. It is composed of 3 virtual components:

  • blink : blink is the instance name of a led (virtual component) that can «blink» by simply writing a value in a register.
  • push : push is the instance name of a button (virtual component) that can generate an interrupt when pushed/released. The state of the button can be read in a register.
  • i2c : i2c is the instance name of the i2cocore virtual component (from OpenCores.org). This component is an i2c bus controller.
figure 1 - Project example for tutorial


See POD installation guide to learn how to install it.


POD can be started by writing "pod" in the pod/bin/ directory. If you are under Windows python has to be written before:

$ python pod/bin/pod

If you don't want to write the entire path each time, you can set your $PATH variable with the path of POD:

export PATH=$PATH:"path_to_pod/pod/bin"

Playing with POD

POD is a console program composed of several environments described in figure 2.

figure 2 - POD console architecture

To enter in an environment, simply write its name from the parent environment.

POD> project

For a complete list of the available commands type help

POD.project> help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF             create         help            listplatforms   setaddr   
addbusclock     delcomponent   history         load            setgeneric
addinstance    delconnection  info            ls              shell     
autoconnectbus  description    intercon        printxml        simulation
check           driver         listcomponents  quit            synthesis 
closeproject    eof            listinstances   savehistory     top       
connectbus      exit           listinterfaces  saveproject   
connectpin      getmapping     listmasters     selectplatform


A short description is although available for each command.

POD.project> help listcomponents
 listcomponents [componenttype]
        List components available in the library

Command completion and argument completion can be done by using the <TAB> key :

POD.project> help list<TAB>
listcomponents  listinterfaces  listplatforms   
listinstances   listmasters  
POD.project> help list

System commands can be used with «!» before:

POD.project> !echo "POD is really useful"
POD is really useful

Project creation

figure 3 - Empty i2cledbutton-tutorial project

To create a project, enter the create command in the project environment:

POD.project> create i2cledbutton-tutorial
Project i2cledbutton-tutorial created

The i2cledbutton-tutorial project is now created, you can save it when you want, by typing saveproject.

The target platform has to be selected by means of the selectplatform command :

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> selectplatform standard.apf9328
Component platform added as apf9328
Component imx9328_wb16_wrapper added as imx9328_wb16_wrapper00
Component rstgen_syscon added as rstgen_syscon00
Component irq_mngr added as irq_mngr00
setting base address 0x0 for  irq_mngr00.swb16

Platform apf9328 selected

By selecting this platform, several components will be automaticaly added by POD:

  • imx9328_wb16_wrapper: this component is used to convert the i.MX processor bus to the Wishbone (16bits data) bus.
  • rstgen_syscon : this component manages the clock and the reset for the design.
  • irq_mngr : this is a Wishbone16 slave which manages the interrupts generated by the other components and which propagates them to the processor.
figure 4 - Platform loaded with their default components

Adding components

Components are organized by category in the library, to list the categories, use listcomponents:

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> listcomponents
test  components  wrappers  syscons

And to list the components under a category use listcomponents again with the category name in parameter:

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> listcomponents components
i2cocore  c38a_control  ledsensor  led  simplegpio  uart16550  irq_mngr  button

Three components will be loaded with the command addinstances:

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> help addinstance
 addinstance <componenttype>.<componentname>.[componentversion] [newinstancename]
        Add component in project

The second parameter is used to give the instance name of the component in the project.

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> addinstance components.button push
Component button added as push

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> addinstance components.led.wb16 blink
Component led added as blink

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> addinstance components.i2cocore.wb16 i2c
Component i2cocore added as i2c

Note: some components like the led may have several versions depending on the Wishbone bus size for example.

figure 4 - Components loaded

Internal pin connections

push and i2c components have output pins to generate interrupts. These pins have to be connected to the interrupt manager "irq_mngr00".

figure 5 - Internal interrupts connections

A complete description of an instance in the project can be displayed with the info command:

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> info i2c
Component name :i2c
Instance  name :i2cocore
description : A simple button ip
             id : 1
        wb_size : 16
irq             :
     inta_o          s1
candr           :
     rst_i           s1
     clk_i           s1
i2c             :
     scl             s1
     sda             s1
swb16            Base address:0x0
     adr_i           s4
     dat_i           s16
     dat_o           s16
     we_i            s1
     stb_i           s1
     ack_o           s1
     cyc_i           s1

This command gives the interfaces, the ports and the size of the ports (s1, s16, ...). We want to connect the interrupt port pin number 0, named inta_o and part of the irq interface, to the irq_mngr00.

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> info irq_mngr00
Component name :irq_mngr00
Instance  name :irq_mngr
description : Manage interruptions.
             id : 1
      irq_level : '1'
      irq_count : 1
candr           :
     gls_clk         s1
     gls_reset       s1
swb16            Base address:0x0
     wbs_s1_address  s2
     wbs_s1_readdata s16
     wbs_s1_writedata s16
     wbs_s1_ack      s1
     wbs_s1_strobe   s1
     wbs_s1_cycle    s1
     wbs_s1_write    s1
irq             :
     irqport         s16
ext_irq         :
     gls_irq         s1
        pin 0: -> apf9328.fpga.TIM1.0

The targeted port in the irq_mngr is irqport part of the irq interface. To establish the connection, the connectpin command will be used:

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> connectpin irq_mngr00.irq.irqport.0 i2c.irq.inta_o.0
pin connected

Same thing for the push button :

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> connectpin irq_mngr00.irq.irqport.1 push.int_button.irq.0
pin connected

The info command can be used to verify that the connection is correctly performed:

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> info irq_mngr00
Component name :irq_mngr00
Instance  name :irq_mngr
description : Manage interruptions.
             id : 1
      irq_level : '1'
      irq_count : 2
candr           :
     gls_clk         s1
     gls_reset       s1
swb16            Base address:0x0
     wbs_s1_address  s2
     wbs_s1_readdata s16
     wbs_s1_writedata s16
     wbs_s1_ack      s1
     wbs_s1_strobe   s1
     wbs_s1_cycle    s1
     wbs_s1_write    s1
irq             :
     irqport         s16
        pin 0: -> i2c.irq.inta_o.0
        pin 1: -> push.int_button.irq.0
ext_irq         :
     gls_irq         s1
        pin 0: -> apf9328.fpga.TIM1.0

External pin connections

Connecting an external pin is done the same way as for an internal pin by giving the name of the platform in place of the instance name. In the apf9328 platform, the pin name can be found in FPGA schematic [1] (page 13). The name of the interface is fpga for the apf9328. In this example we will connect the button, the led and the i2c to the APF9328DevFull connector X7 (figure 6).

figure 5 - X7 connector

We just have to connect the pins as following :

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> connectpin apf9328.fpga.IO_L01N_0 push.int_button.button.0
pin connected
POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> connectpin i2c.i2c.sda apf9328.fpga.IO_L32N_0
pin connected
POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> connectpin i2c.i2c.scl apf9328.fpga.IO_L01P_0
pin connected
POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> connectpin blink.int_led.led.0 apf9328.fpga.IO_L32P_0
pin connected
figure 6 - external connections

Bus and clock connections

  • Bus
figure 7 - Wishbone bus connections

To connect a bus, the master bus interface is used as first argument of the connectbus command, the second argument being the slave bus interface:

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> connectbus imx9328_wb16_wrapper00.mwb16 blink.swb16
Bus connected
POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> connectbus imx9328_wb16_wrapper00.mwb16 push.swb16
Bus connected
POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> connectbus imx9328_wb16_wrapper00.mwb16 i2c.swb16
Bus connected
  • clock
figure 8 - Syscon connection

The bus interconection (Intercon) need to be synchronized with a clock and reset generator. This can be done by means of the addbusclock command.

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> addbusclock rstgen_syscon00.candr imx9328_wb16_wrapper00.mwb16
  • autoconnect

Bus and clock connections can be automaticaly performed with the autoconnect command. This command works only for "classical" architectures and with recognized buses.

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> autoconnectbus

Intercon generation

Once the connections done, the Intercon component has to be generated. The Intercon is a component responsible for decoding the addresses and for routing the Wishbone bus signals.

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> intercon imx9328_wb16_wrapper00.mwb16
figure 8 - Intercon

Top generation

figure 9 - Top

The Top component is the component responsible for connecting the non Wishbone signals in the FPGA. The Top can be generated with the top command

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> top

Top generated with name : top_i2cledbutton-tutorial.vhd


In the apf9328 platform, the FPGA is a Spartan3 from Xilinx. This means that the synthesis of the project can only be done with ISE. Fortunately, Xilinx provides the ISE Webpack freely on its website [2].

POD has to generate a project that ISE can understand. This can be accomplished from the synthesis environment :

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial> synthesis

Then the tool used for the synthesis has to be specified with the selecttoolchain command:

POD.project.synthesis> selecttoolchain ise

After that we can generate an ISE project with the generateproject command.

POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial.synthesis> selecttoolchain ise
POD.project:i2cledbutton-tutorial.synthesis> generateproject
Make directory for imx9328_wb16_wrapper
Make directory for rstgen_syscon
Make directory for irq_mngr
Make directory for led
Make directory for button
Make directory for i2cocore
Make directory for imx9328_wb16_wrapper00_mwb16

Constraint file generated with name :~/pod/tests/i2cledbutton-tutorial/synthesis/i2cledbutton-tutorial.ucf

TCL script generated with name : i2cledbutton-tutorial.tcl

As you can see, POD generates although a TCL script that can be executed by ISE. This script eases the synthesis process.

figure 10 - Bitstream generation with ISE Webpack

In the Tcl tab (1), change the default directory to the synthesis directory (2), find the tcl script you want to execute (3, under Windows type dir instead of ls) and start it with the source command (4).

The resulting bitstream (binary FPGA synthetized code) top_i2cledbutton.bit can be found in the i2cledbutton_tutorial/objs directory.


If a simulation is required, POD can generate a template for the whole project. To do this, enter in the simulation environment :

POD.project:i2cledbutton_tutorial> simulation

To generate the testbench and the makefile use the command:

POD.project:i2cledbutton_tutorial.simulation> generateproject

Testbench with name : /home/fabien/projectpod/software/pod/tests/i2cledbutton_tutorial/simulation/top_i2cledbutton_tutorial_tb.vhd Done

Makefile generated with name : /home/fabien/projectpod/software/pod/tests/i2cledbutton_tutorial/simulation/Makefile Done

Now, you just have to modify the top_i2cledbutton_tutorial_tb.vhd file to add your own tests under the stimulis process.

stimulis : process
-- write stimulis here
wait for 10 us;
assert false report "End of test" severity error;
end process stimulis;

You can then start the simulation with make ghdl-simu and launch make ghdl-view to view the generated chronograms with gtkwave.


Numbers of components have a driver template for different operating systems. POD can fill these templates with the informations contained in the project.

From the driver environment,

POD.project:i2cledbutton_tutorial> driver

choose the targeted platform:

POD.project:i2cledbutton_tutorial.driver> selecttoolchain armadeus

And generate the driver project :

POD.project:i2cledbutton_tutorial.driver> generateproject
No driver for imx9328_wb16_wrapper
No driver for rstgen_syscon
Create directory for irq_mngr driver
Create directory for button driver
Create directory for led driver
Create directory for i2cocore driver
No driver for imx9328_wb16_wrapper00_mwb16
Copy and fill template for irq_mngr
Copy and fill template for button
Copy and fill template for led
Copy and fill template for i2cocore

Drivers are generated and can be found in the i2cledbutton_tutorial/drivers/ directory. POD can copy this drivers to the right place in the software development tree. Select the path with selectprojecttree then copy the files with copydrivers:

POD.project:i2cledbutton_tutorial.driver> selectprojecttree ~/armadeus/target/linux/modules/fpga/POD

POD.project:i2cledbutton_tutorial.driver> copydrivers

To compile the drivers, go to your armadeus/ directory then type make linux26-menuconfig. The drivers generated by POD are located in Device Drivers - Armadeus specific drivers - FPGA drivers (see figure 11).

figure 11 - Linux menuconfig
$ make linux-menuconfig
$ make