Ho! No FPGA-reset button on armadeus card.

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Page under construction... Construction.png Informations on this page are not guaranteed !! That is a constant comment about the armadeus APF9328 board. Most of the FPGA designers learn that it's mandatory to use a reset in each module with structure like it:

myprocess : process (clk,reset)
  if reset = '1' then
    -- init values
  elsif rising_edge(clk) then
    -- processing code
  end if;
end process myprocess;

But by default there is no reset button on the board, then what to do ?

Plug a reset button

Of course it's possible to solder a reset button on card, there are a large amount of I/O on connector and one can be used for this usage.

Generate the reset internally

VHDL tricks

But it is also possible to use initial state of the FPGA after configuration with this code:

Warning Warning: This code only work with FPGA, because states of flip-flop after configuration is defined to '0'. This can't work with CPLD for example because beginning state is unknown.

 Entity clock_and_reset_gen is 
     invert_reset : std_logic := '0' -- 0 : not invert, 1 invert
 	-- external signals
 	ext_clk : in std_logic ;
 	--internal generated signals
 	gls_clk : out std_logic ;
 	gls_reset : out std_logic 
 end entity;
 Architecture clock_and_reset_gen_1 of clock_and_reset_gen is

 	signal dly: std_logic := '0';
 	signal rst: std_logic := '0';
 	signal int_reset : std_logic;


 	int_reset <= '0';
    --  RESET signal generator.
      if(rising_edge(ext_clk)) then
        dly <= ( not(int_reset) and     dly  and not(rst) )
            or ( not(int_reset) and not(dly) and     rst  );
        rst <= ( not(int_reset) and not(dly) and not(rst) );
      end if;
    end process;
    gls_clk <= ext_clk;
    gls_reset <= rst xor invert_reset ;
 end architecture clock_and_reset_gen_1;

Xilinx template

Xilinx provide a reset generator under its FPGA, it can be instanciated with this vhdl template :