How to make a VHDL design in Ubuntu/Debian

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To stay in the Free Software spirit, the best method to simulate is to use GHDL (based on GCC).
To install it on Ubuntu you just have to type :

$ sudo apt-get install ghdl

You can find a good tutorial for using GHDL here and on the official website. It's supposed that the project tree used is this one described previously.

Analysing files:

$ ghdl -i --ieee=synopsys --warn-no-vital-generic --workdir=simu --work=work src/*.vhdl testbench/testb_file.vhd

And compile:

$ ghdl -m --ieee=synopsys --warn-no-vital-generic --workdir=simu --work=work testb_file

After that a binary file named testb_file is created; to launch simulation we just have to:

$ ./testb_file --stop-time=500ns --vcdgz=testb_file.vcdgz 

The stop time option sets the simulation time and the vcdgz option will generate a gunzip compressed wave file to visualize the result.

Visualizing the result can be done with gtkwave:

$ sudo apt-get install gtkwave

We can launch it with the following command :

$ gunzip --stdout testb_file.vcdgz | gtkwave --vcd


It can be a good idea to make a Makefile instead of typing all this commands, here is a little Makefile:

# project name
# vhdl files
FILES = src/bus_led.vhd src/bus_led_top.vhd
# testbench
SIMTOP = led_top_tb
SIMFILES = testbench/led_top_tb.vhd
# Simu break condition
GHDL_SIM_OPT    = --assert-level=error
#GHDL_SIM_OPT    = --stop-time=500ns

SIMDIR = simu
SYNTHFILES = bin/bus_led_ise/netgen/synthesis

GHDL_CMD        = ghdl
GHDL_FLAGS      = --ieee=synopsys --warn-no-vital-generic

VIEW_CMD        = /usr/bin/gtkwave

ghdl-compil :                                                                                                 
 mkdir -p simu                                                                                               
 $(GHDL_CMD) -i $(GHDL_FLAGS) --workdir=simu --work=work $(SIMFILES) $(FILES)                                
 $(GHDL_CMD) -m $(GHDL_FLAGS) --workdir=simu --work=work $(SIMTOP)                                           
 @mv $(SIMTOP) simu/$(SIMTOP)                                                                                
ghdl-run :                                                                                                    
 @$(SIMDIR)/$(SIMTOP) $(GHDL_SIM_OPT) --vcdgz=$(SIMDIR)/$(SIMTOP).vcdgz                                      
 gunzip --stdout $(SIMDIR)/$(SIMTOP).vcdgz | $(VIEW_CMD) --vcd                                               
ghdl-clean :                                                                                                  
 $(GHDL_CMD) --clean --workdir=simu     

to use it, just write :

$ make ghdl-compile

to compile, then:

$ make ghdl-run

to run the design, then:

$ make ghdl-view

to launch gtkwave and visualize the results.