Automatically launch your application

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Revision as of 12:04, 22 February 2011 by JulienB (Talk | contribs) (Adding your own app in the start process)

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You've just developed a state of the art application and want it to be launched each time you boot your APF ? Then this small tutorial is for you !

System startup

First, a small remainder: when you start your board, here is how all things are started:

  1. U-Boot initializes the system and load Linux
  2. Linux mounts its rootfs and launches /sbin/init
  3. init process checks its /etc/inittab config file and executes the instructions it contains
  4. this config files generally asks init to launch /etc/init.d/rcS
  5. /etc/init.d/rcS gets all scripts in /etc/init.d/ directory which start with a S, and executes them in ascending order

Adding your own application in the start process

  • creates a shell script in /etc/init.d/:
 # touch /etc/init.d/S99app
 # chmod a+x /etc/init.d/S99app
  • edit it
 # vi /etc/init.d/S99app
  • put in it the following content (replace /usr/bin/your_app with your application name & path):

# Loading the modules needed by my app:
modprobe xxxxx
# Launching my app:
/usr/bin/your_app &          # <-- Don't forget the "&" otherwise other system stuff won't start until you leave your app !!!

exit 0
  • save your changes and !! Test it !!
# /etc/init.d/S99app
  • That's it ! You can now reboot:
# sync
# reboot
