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On this page, you will find all the usefull informations you need to configure your Armadeus board for optimum usage.

First StartUp

Just got your Armadeus board and want to start playing with it ? Follow these quick steps to setup your environment accordingly:

  1. Connect your APF to your development board (custom or DevLight/DevFull) (your system will be hereafter referred to as "the Target") --->> Apf on devlight.png
  2. Connect your PC (= "the Host") to your board with a null-modem RS232 cable. If you don't have a RS232 port on your Host, you can use a "USB <-> serial" converter (you'll still require the null-modem cable).
  3. Install (minimum) tools to communicate with your APF from your Host.
  4. Connect the power supply on your development board.
  5. Verify your system is booting by starting Linux: In U-Boot console, type "boot". Several informations will be displayed on your terminal like on this screenshot (Default Linux login is "root" with an empty password). IF NOT, walk through this small checklist.
  6. If Linux has successfully started, your system is operational. If you want to add applications to your board or developp custom ones, then you can proceed with the Toolchain installation. See Basics below.

Basics for customizing your board

  1. Install the development environment (=Toolchain) for your board and generate your Linux/rootfs images
  2. Install/flash your U-Boot, Linux and rootfs freshly generated images on your board
  3. Customize your Armadeus SDK

Going further with your board


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